Raves to Rituximab - My Battle With Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma 6 Days of straight chemotherapy Hi Everyone! Welcome back! Sorry its been a while since you last heard off me, if im honest I just haven ’ t really found time to keep my blo g updated recently I ’ ve either been busy or recovering from being ran over by a freight train 487 times, or other described as 6 days of straight chemo. A lot has definitely happened, lots of great things which I cant wait to share with you but equally, as this is a cancer blog there ’ s always going to be some not so great things, but nothing TOO bad so don ’ t worry your socks off. I guess it makes sense to start in chronological order and where I left my last blog a couple of weeks ago and I ’ ll kick this off with my most recent trip to Liverpool that didn ’ t involve bloods or chemotherapy and boy did I have the best few days a little cancer patient could wish for. Don ’ t get me wrong I am enjoying my time at home in Shropshir...
Showing posts from April, 2022